Abbreviations and chat-speak in Swedish

When I was new in Sweden, I saw a note on a store's door. The note featured a mysterious word pga. It seemed kinda random and not really Swedish. But of course it was Swedish.
Here’s the cheatsheet I wish I had back then:
pga = p.g.a. = på grund av = because of
tom = t.o.m. = till och med = up until and including (“tom Monday”)
from = fr.o.m. = från och med = from and including (“from Tuesday”)
bla = bl.a. = bland annat = among other stuff
dvs = d.v.s. = det vill säga = that is to say
fd = f.d. = före detta = former, ex
fm = förmiddag = forenoon
em = eftermiddag = afternoon
mm = med mera = and more, etc (frequently seen in “our store sells clothes, toys, books, mm!”); similar: mfl = m.fl. = med flera
osv = och så vidare = and so on
i sht = i synnerhet = in particular
v = vecka = week (“we are closed during v26”)
ca = cirka = approximately (“it will take ca two weeks”)
tex = till exempel = for example
kl = klockan = o’clock (“can you do it kl 11?”)
ggr = gånger = times (“it is emptied 2 ggr per week”)
lgh = lägenhet = apartment (“we live in lgh 1101”)
c/o = care of — yep, this one is suddenly in English already; it's a field in postal address forms where you can put someone else's name, for example if your name is not on the door yet but you want the letter to arrive, you can write the name of your host in 'c/o'
In written communication between people where paper is not involved, these come up:
mvh = med vänliga hälsningar = kind regards (usually at the end of an email)
övh = över huvud taget = at all, in general
iaf = i alla fall = in any case, anyway
iofs = i och för sig = admittedly, certainly, though, in and of itself
vgd = var gör du = what are you doing?
hmd = hur mår du = how are you?
dd = du då? = and you?
iljm = idag lärde jag mig = today I learned (TIL)
leg = legitimation = ID (like a driving license)
ngt = något = something
ngn = någon = someone
o = och = and
o (yep, again) = att = that, to (like in “to do”)
e = är = am/is/are (det e jag = det är jag = this is me)
r = är = am/is/are (det r kul = det är kul = this is fun)
ba = bara = just, only
va = vara = be
lr = eller = or
oxå = också = also
On road signs and maps:
St = Stora = big, as in Stora Torget, name of the town square
S:t = Sankt = Saint, like Saint Nicholas
g:n, g = gatan = street
tgt = torget = square
järnv, jrnv = järnvägen = railway
k:a = kyrka = church
In a supermarket:
st = stycken = piece (“we sell bananas 10 bucks per st”)
cl = centiliter (no translation here, just slightly unusual units for drinks and similar)
jfr, jmfr (pris) = jämförelsepris = price for comparison (e.g. price per kg when the product is packed in cartons of different sizes)
moms = mervärdesomsättningsskatt = VAT, value-added tax
:- = kr = kronor = SEK